Thursday, February 19, 2009

In Cuzco

We arrived in Cuzco today, making it our 4th major city in three days (Cuenca, Guayaquil, Lima, Cuzco.) We pulled an all-nighter last night to catch a 5:40 a.m. flight this morning from Lima to Cuzco, which has really ruined the day in a sense, making us all zombies. We still went out and walked all over Cuzco, seeing whatever we could and taking care of plans to go to Macchu Picchu and Lake Titicaca.

Lima was very hot and expensive, but in general a nice city. And I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it. We stayed in the suburb of Miraflores. Miraflores is to Lima as Cambridge is to Boston. They´re both their own city, but they´re pretty much the same city. We´ve met some incredibly friendly people and have had a good time seeing what we could so far, even though we are pressed for time and moving along quickly.

Cuzco is high up and I´m actually a bit winded, but we´ve had a good time. Tomorrow we move on towards Macchu Picchu.

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