Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dude, It's March

Looking at the date, it's hard to believe that it's now March. Where has the time gone? I've been down here for 6 months now, and some times it feels like it's been forever, while other times it feels like it has totally flown by. At least I have the luxury of still being around for another 5 or 6 to get more done, unlike a semester abroad student who only realizes what they're doing by the time they leave.

The weather has been great the last two days, and though I was sore and tired this morning from playing Frisbee yesterday, I wanted to get out again. I was looking to play basketball but couldn't find anyone, so I went for a run in the park. I did pretty well considering we're at altitude and I usually don't run at sea level either. Once I'd completed a couple of laps, all I was really trying to get, I was walking around the perimeter and an old man asked me if I wanted to play soccer with a group that was about to start.

I said yes, but told him that I wasn't very good, but he didn't mind. We soon had enough people for teams of 6 and began to play. For some reason, the old man insisted that I be a captain, so I had to choose 6 players. I'd probably make a better coach than player, but oh well. We played and I sucked, but then again most of the people out there on the dirt field were pretty lousy.

After two halves, my team lost. Suddenly the men were telling me I needed to pay a dollar. Apparently the game was for money, but no one had told me. I had literally nothing with me because I was only planning on going for a run and didn't need anything. I sat around for a couple of minutes telling them that I had nothing while they looked upset, until the old man who asked me to play said he would pay for me.

I shook his hand and then walked home, thinking about how funny it was that even a friendly game of soccer had to have a little money on it. Soon I will add photos and talk more about what I did in Peru, starting tomorrow I imagine. It all depends on how motivated I am, and right now I'm more motivated to enjoy the time off that I have. But don't worry, the material will come.

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