Thursday, August 20, 2009

All Set to Go, Again

Final preparations have been made, and with the exception of some last minute, day-of packing, I'm now ready to leave for Argentina tomorrow night. Last night I had a final dinner with some friends, and tonight I had dinner with my family. After the dinner I saw some of the friends one last time, and now it's just a matter of hanging out tomorrow until I leave for the airport.

My first flight from Boston to Washington, D.C. is around 7:30 pm, and once I get in there I only have a short window of time before the connection on to Buenos Aires. I'm excited and ready for it, though there is always that bit of sadness that comes with saying goodbye to a familiar place and friendly people. I just hope I can contain some of the excitement and be able to fall asleep easily tonight.

I will try to continue blogging throughout the process, but it might be difficult to do so for the next few days, what with all the moving around and all. The very day I land in Buenos Aires, Friday morning, I have an interview with a potential employer. It will undoubtedly be a bit difficult to find my way around the Metro and neighborhoods, but I've been going over the maps and trying to familiarize myself with the city before actually getting there. Hopefully the jet lag after a red eye flight won't rough up my interview too much.

From here on out it might be quiet for a few days, but don't worry. Soon enough I'll have blog posts all about the journey and how it has been getting adjusted to Argentina. And I will try to have a camera on me as I get accustomed to the new country, taking interesting photos and videos as well. Keep tuned in, as it will be a series of discoveries and adventures up ahead.

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